Who We Are

Te Ārawa ē ē !
Te Ārawa ē ē !
Tukua mai kia piri
Tukua mai kia tata
Ki runga ki te Ratonga Āwhina Pūtea o Rotorua - HĪ !

Who we are...

Te Ārawa ē ē !
Te Ārawa ē ē !
Tukua mai kia piri
Tukua mai kia tata
Ki runga ki te Ratonga Āwhina Pūtea o Rotorua - HĪ !

About Us

We are a community-based, not for profit organisation that provides financial advice and education to individuals and families in the Rotorua community, working in partnership with other organisations (Iwi, community, government) to ensure support is provided to Kaitono in the most effective way.

We provide our services in a way that is welcoming of all people in need, respecting and honouring their personal circumstances and cultural heritage. This is underpinned by our recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi as our nation’s founding document and a commitment to biculturalism.

Mahere Rautaki

View our strategic plan

Introducing the

Governance Board Members

Chris Karamea Insley

Chris Karamea Insley

Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngati Porou, Te Whakatohea.
Dr Leigh Richards

Dr Leigh Richards

Ko Otamatea te maunga. Ko Rotokawau te roto. Ko Whanganui te Awa. Ko Airihi, Ko Wīwī, Ko Ingarihi ōku iwi. Ko Leigh Richards tōku ingoa. Tēnā koutou katoa.
Geoffrey Cleveland

Geoffrey Cleveland

BA Auckland University. Secondary School Teaching Diploma Auckland Teaching College. Various other minor certificates and qualifications gained over a 45 year career in teaching.
Kiti Ransfield King

Kiti Ransfield-King

He uri ahau no Te Arawa, Raukawa ki te Tonga, Kai Tahu, Waitaha, Kati Mamoe, Ngati Haua, Pare Hauraki, Ngati Tamatera, Pare Waikato, Ngai te Rangi, Te Whanau a Tauwhao, Te Ngare. Tena koutou katoa.
Marica Insley

Marcia Insley

Ko Pokohinu te maunga. Ko Haparapara te awa. Ko Te Whaanau a Nuku te hapuu. Ko Te Whaanau a Apanui te iwi. Ko Omaio te marae. Ko Marcia Insley tooku ingoa. Tena ra koutou katoa.

Richard Bird

Richard Bird

BSW (1st class Hons) Massey University, Certificate in Employee Relations Massey University/EMA Northern, Company Directors Programme NZ Institute of Directors, Certificate in Adult Teaching Auckland Institute of Technology, Various other informal and formal certificates and courses.

Introducing the

Management Team

Pakanui Tuhura

Pakanui Tuhura

Ngati Porou, Te Aowera, Te Aitanga-a-Mate.
Marie Townes

Marie Townes

Accredited Financial Mentor (FinCap) and Financial Capability Practitioner (Massey University).
Athol Brooks

Athol Brooks

Accredited Financial Mentor (FinCap) and Financial Capability Practitioner (Massey University).
B.Com (Finance), Masters Degree in Business Administration (with distinction), Post Grad Dip. Bus, Research. Post Grad Dip. Marketing and Logistics. International Finance and Global Strategy, Harvard Business School.
A seasoned Board Director and driver of Maori Business Development.
BSW Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) and PhD Social Work & Social Policy Massey University.
Board member and Secretary of Rotorua Budget Advisory Service since March 2021. Chairperson Palmerston North Schizophrenia Fellowship. Board member Palmerston North Victim Support.
Currently, Manager of Youth Employment Plus – Rotorua Community Youth Centre. Previously Strategic Adviser at Rotorua Lakes Council, Community-Led Manager at Mokoia Community Association, Policy Analyst at Palmerston North City Council and has worked in Private Practice. One of the Founding members of the Tatou Pounamu Collective (formerly Eastside Community Collective). Numerous voluntary roles for various organisations including Victim Support; Schizophrenia Fellowship, Mountain Safety Council, Friends of St Chads, Neighbourhood Support and the Parenting Place.
I support Rotorua Budget Advisory Service providing high quality personal financial education and advice that is welcoming of all people in need, respecting and honouring their personal circumstances and cultural heritage.
Board member of Rotorua Budget Advisory Service since March 2021.
I am currently the Treasurer of the Rotorua Government Super annuitants Association and was Chairperson of the Rotorua History Teachers Association, and I also work as a volunteer maintaining rodent traps in our forests. Previously Chairperson and Secretary of the Hawkes Bay (HB) branch of PPTA, HB regional History Teachers Association and the HB Secondary Schools Rugby Association. I have lived in Rotorua for 30 years.
As teacher in various secondary schools both overseas and here in NZ, I have been coach and manager of many sports teams. As a Board member I hope to contribute to the important work of the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service.
My name is Kiti Herina. My parents are John and Rosaline Ransfield. I married Regan King from Te Hikutu, Ngapuhi, and have six tamariki.
Board member of the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service Governance Committee since March 2021.
Current work role is Poutahia (Manager) at Te Waiariki Purea Trust. Previously I have worked in various roles for the Trust including Rotorua Safer Families Coordinator, Strengthening Families Coordinator, Youth Service and Independent Facilitator.
As a Board member of Rotorua Budget Advisory Service I aim to support this special whanau by contributing to the quality, practicality and visibility of the mahi they do by involving extensive local knowledge and uplifting the health and wellbeing of the local communities.
LLB University of Waikato. NZ Diploma in Management – NZ Institute of Management. NZ Diploma in Business Studies – Waiariki Institute of Technology.
Board member of Rotorua Budget Advisory Service since March 2021.
I am currently a Solicitor at the Rotorua District Community Law Centre (CLC). Previously I was a solicitor for the Whakatane CLC and Gisborne CLC. Trustee of Wikaire Whanau Trust, and Executive member of Nga Kaiawhina Hapori Maori o te Ture (“NKHMT”) who represent the 24 Community Law Centres of Aotearoa.
I support the Budget Advisory Services of NZ in my solicitor role, and now as a Governance Board member of the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service.
I joined the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service (“RBAS”) governance team in March 2021. My governance roles include Glenholme School trustees, Te Waiariki Purea Trust, Puarenga Trade Aid Shop; and Te Atawhai Aroha/Compassionate Communities Charitable Trust. Rotorua has been my home for 40 years, and had wide involvement in the Rotorua community.
I commenced my career as a community based social worker. I have extensive experience in corporate settings, most recently as Manager Organisation Development and Capability for Rotorua Lakes Council and as Director of Student and Staff Support Service at Waiariki Institute of Technology, now Toi-Ohomai. Both roles have added to my expertise in human resource management. During 2021 I have been a full-time student undertaking an immersion Te Reo Māori programme.
Ko Hikurangi te Maunga
Ko Waiapu te Awa
Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi
Ko Pakanui Tuhura ahau

I have been the Manager of the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service since March 2009. My role is to ensure that the Strategic Plan is implemented in all the Service’s operations and to strive to achieve its operational outcomes. I have been a member of the Board since 2016, first as Secretary, and moving to the Treasurer role in March 2021. I am a Chartered Accountant of CAANZ.

I have lived in Rotorua since late December 1999 and transferred here from the East Coast to take up a role in the Bay of Plenty Conservancy Office as Business Services Manager. Over the last 21 years I have been on various local Community Organisations and Governance Committees. I was Treasurer for Mokoia Community Association for 11 years and was a founding member of the Linton Community Centre. I have raised my children here in Rotorua and coached Rugby and Touch locally, and Bay of Plenty representative teams at various age group levels. I am part of and serve the Rotorua Community.
My name is Marie Townes and I am one of five siblings. I have lived in Auckland, Thames Valley and in Rotorua for the last 16 years. I was also a St John Ambulance officer for a number of years.
I have interacted and worked with the community all my working life one way or another.
First on the counter with NZ Post/Kiwibank as a public facing officer for 30 years and then as a volunteer counsellor with Lifelink/Samaritans and finally currently as Budget Advisor with the Rotorua Budget Service for the past 8 years.
I have been a member of the Committee of the Budget Service for several years providing the ‘coal face’ experience and aiming to contribute to the greater good of the service.
I enjoy reading, music and movies mainly although being outside in nature has its attractions as well.
Before moving to Rotorua from Auckland in 2014 I was employed for 20 years supporting computer operations for Yellow Pages.
Initially my work at the Rotorua Budget Advisory Service was as a volunteer in 2015, progressing to my fulltime position as an experienced budget advisor.
I have a passion for educating people from all walks of life about money management. I especially enjoy teaching young people money skills to set them up for life. I am a Rotorua Budget Advisory Service committee member. I am married to Denise and have two children and a granddaughter living in Auckland. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, kayaking, paddle boarding and visiting family in Auckland.
Main Office:
9am to 3pm Mon-Fri
1247 Pukuatua Street
Rotorua 3010
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand