Free Money Management and Debt Relief Advice

Cultivate healthy spending habits and enjoy financial freedom.

Free Money Management and Debt Relief Advice

Cultivate healthy spending habits and enjoy financial freedom.

Kia ora

Sometimes it’s a relief to know that there’s someone who will help you. Household budgeting and money management can be difficult. Our trained Budget Advisers can provide you with FREE confidential and non-judgmental advice.

Make an appointment now to discuss your situation and get some friendly and helpful advice. We can help you build your own money skills and knowledge so come on in.

Reduce debt

We help you setup a plan that will set you on the path to reducing debt and put you back in control of your money.

Financial check up

A non-judgmental and impartial check of your current financial position, so you can make informed money decisions for the future.

Achieve your goals

Achieve your goals in life. Reduce stress and use your money better or put some away for future aspirations or just a rainy day.

Need help?

All our Budget Advice and Building Financial Capability services are FREE to the people of the Rotorua region. Face to face consultations are free and you can come back as many times as you like. All you give is some of your time. Contact us now for an appointment.

Main Office:
9am to 3pm Mon-Fri
1247 Pukuatua Street
Rotorua 3010
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand