Need to know more? Read below for our most commonly asked questions.


Need to know more? Read below for our most commonly asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We ask for:
  • Bills/invoices you have on hand as these have reference numbers, up to date balances and creditor contact details that allows us to advocate on behalf of the clients with creditors.
  • A current bank statement with 1-3 months transactions (if you have internet banking we can download this at our office). This provides impartial, third party verification of money coming into and going out from the client.
  • The date your next WOF and car registration are due, in case it falls within the budgeting period.
  • Any other documents of a financial nature, you wish to discuss and will impact on the budget that is produced.
Usually budgets will be over a twelve week (3 month) period. Longer periods decrease the accuracy of estimates of future income and costs.

Our financial mentors (aka budget advisers) will not judge you for what you have done in the past. All clients start with a clean slate and we understand and have seen how many people get into trouble with their money. It isn’t our job to criticise or to rubbish actions you may have taken in the past. It is our job to help you create solutions and support you going forward.

It is true that most of our clients come to see us because they need solutions to issues they have with their money (either income or costs). In some cases the damage done to that person’s finances will require an insolvency solution. However we find that the earlier we are involved, before it gets too bad, the quicker and easier it is for clients to turn things round and get control of their money again. In some cases clients will come in just to verify that they are doing a great job with their money and get tips on how to further improve their money management.

Each client/financial mentor relationship is important and wherever possible we will ensure that clients work with the same financial mentor each time they come in. This builds a professionally comfortable and trusting relationship between them. However in the very rare case where that isn’t possible (due to unavailability of financial mentor or client request to change) we will assign you to another financial mentor.
Currently we aren’t able to do home visits due to the COVID 19 pandemic and our limited staff numbers. In the future we hope to be able to offer this service again for longer term clients.
You can contact us (email or phone) and we will get back to you as soon as we are available, or you can phone our 24/7 helpline Money Talks on 0800 345 123. Text and email contacts for Money Talks and other useful links can be found at FinCap.
Consumer Protection gives you a brief outline of what your rights as a consumer are and also further links about scams, debts. Visit their website here.
You should see one of our Financial Mentors for free confidential help in setting up a budget. Sorted also has a number of tools for building a budget and links to articles about money issues and possible solutions.
You should discuss with a Work & Income Case Manager in the first instance but the latest rates and entitlements (as at 1 April 2022) can be found here.

The Winter Energy payment is paid out to all those who are receiving financial help from Work & Income. It is paid out between 1 May and 1 Oct every year.  People who might be eligible are usually those on a benefit as well as some low income families who qualify for and gain the ‘Supported Living Payment’ from Work & Income.

Click here to check what help you might be eligible to receive.

Reduce debt

We help you setup a plan that will set you on the path to reducing debt and put you back in control of your money.

Financial check up

A non-judgmental and impartial check of your current financial position, so you can make informed money decisions for the future.

Achieve your goals

Achieve your goals in life. Reduce stress and use your money better or put some away for future aspirations or just a rainy day.

"Excellent! I am useless with money and must control myself. Thanks, you are great."

- T.R.

Main Office:
9am to 3pm Mon-Fri
1247 Pukuatua Street
Rotorua 3010
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand